Everybody talks about motivation these days. Just on any social media site, facebook, twitter, Instagram Pinterest and you won’t be able to avoid motivational articles, quotes or images. Motivation is a sizzling hot topic that covers a wide range of activities and words ranging from goals and desires to needs. What you may not realize is that some essential needs actually fall into the category of motivation.
Think about providing the essentials for your family. You can’t deny that you need to provide shelter, food, warmth and safety for your family. You do these things without a second thought.
Yet those essential needs are necessary for your motivation and instinctually you’re so connected with this motivation that you don’t hesitate to do whatever is necessary to provide for your family. It’s about building a better future for your family no matter what standing in your way. This might mean working longer hours or even taking on a second job if necessary.
So why is it that when you want to achieve something new you have such a hard time with it? The answer is actually not complicated, is the new achievement so important that you will do whatever is necessary putting all fear and hesitation aside to get it accomplished.
If you don’t feel as driven then your motivation automatically begins to lag. So the simple answer would be to attach much more importance to your new goal. There is no reason why a dream or desire shouldn’t become a reality. You just have to start seeing it as one and your motivation will increase.
Let’s get back to essential motivation for a minute. When you start thinking about essential requirements every living thing has to be motivated to survive. These essential survival instincts include breathing, drinking, eating and keeping warm. All living things have to eat and drink water to survive. The desire to stay alive is motivation enough, for humans we have to add in the basic needs of food, clothing, and even love, because survival without love is existing.
When I was young I watched my mother do whatever it took for us to survive. Looking back, I know it was a miracle that my mother took care of us with her housekeeping job. We not only had food and clean clothes we lived in a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood and to this day I don’t know how she managed, but I do know she was motivated to do whatever it took to take care of her family.
This motivation is something which automatically gets handed down generation to generation. You teach your children what they need to do to survive in this world. They have to learn to find food and water for themselves, and to have a shelter to stay warm. There is no questioning about how to stay motivated in order to accomplish this. They are just tasks that must be completed on a daily basis.
Your own body knows what it needs to survive and will let you know when something is lacking. Without water you will certainly die within days, but you can live without food for a longer period of time.
Now it’s your turn, what motivates you. For me I look at a picture of those that I love and my exhaustion suddenly lifts and I am ready to fight another day. Know what motivates you and nothing can stop you from getting everything you want or need.
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