There are lots of things you can do to give your memory a boost. Along with these exercises, certain lifestyle factors have shown to have a significant impact on how well our brains function. I'd like to take some time today to focus on just three things you may not realize contribute to your overall cognitive function. Read on to learn more about these three things that affect … [Read more...] about 3 Things That Affect A Productive Healthy Brain
Time For a Workout – Your Memory Is Like a Muscle
Memory lapses is a frustrating problem for heart-centered coaches and entrepreneurs. Fortunately, however, coaches and other entrepreneurs don’t have to suffer from memory lapses once you’ve worked out your memory muscle. We've touched on the importance of memory as the storage and filing system of your brain. I'm sure you've encountered frustrating memory lapses such as … [Read more...] about Time For a Workout – Your Memory Is Like a Muscle
Best Productivity Tools for Business
If you're anything like me you have a love-hate relationship with technology. But no matter what if you are in business you depend on technology to help you to be more productive, efficient and creative. We live in a day and age full of tools and software that make running an online business so much easier than it was just 10 years ago. Here are a few different types of … [Read more...] about Best Productivity Tools for Business
No More Procrastination – How To Create an Effective Sales Funnel
Let’s talk about your business funnel for a bit today. A sales or marketing funnel is really just the series of steps you set up to turn prospects into customers. The idea behind setting up a funnel is that when you understand exactly what you want potential customers to do next, it’s much easier to get them to do it. For most of us it looks something like this: Someone … [Read more...] about No More Procrastination – How To Create an Effective Sales Funnel
Friends in the Right Places Can Make Your More Productive
The internet is a huge place and there’s plenty of room for all of us making a living online. If you’re worried about collaborating with “your competition” think again. One of the best things you can do is make friends with other online business owners in your niche. Start By Figuring Out What You Can Do For Them There’s nothing worse than getting a pitch email from … [Read more...] about Friends in the Right Places Can Make Your More Productive
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