Sharon had been running a successful online business for several years. She had good clients who respected her and her customers enjoyed her products. But for some reason, she couldn’t seem to take her business to the six figure mark.
So, she booked a session with a coach she’d always wanted to work with. During their time together, Tiffany discovered she had several money blocks that were keeping her business stuck.
It took a few months and several phone calls with her coach, but Tiffany began to see big increases in her earnings. By the end of the year, she’d successfully crossed into the six figure level she’d dreamed of.
You can relate to Tiffany. You want your business to go to the next level but you can’t seem to do it. You feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Like Tiffany, you may be dealing with a money block. There are some common money blocks that all entrepreneurs encounter. See if recognize one of these thoughts:
Money Block #1: I Don’t Deserve Money
Feeling unworthy of money is a common complaint. Maybe you don’t feel worthy of money because you grew up with parents who were neglectful. Perhaps you had a significant other who used money to control you. You felt like a burden then and you still do now.
What you have to understand is that you’re already worthy. You deserve the money you’ve earned. You deserve to be paid for your services and treated respectfully by your clients. You deserve the income you make from the products you’ve created.
Money Block #2: I Can’t Be Wealthy
You tell yourself you can’t be wealthy because you didn’t come from money. You say that you don’t make enough because you never got a college education. You think that you can’t earn more money because everyone in your family is poor.
These money blocks keep you trapped where you are. In order to be wealthy, you have to first believe it’s possible. Believing it’s possible doesn’t mean that you’re going to suddenly become a millionaire. It just means that you’re open to the possibility of wealth.
Money Block #3: I Would Settle for $[XX]
You see business owners making high six figures and tell yourself you’d be happy with just a fraction of that. You say things like, “If I could just make $30K a year from my business, I’d be good.”
The problem with this kind of thinking is that you’re so focused on a certain number that you don’t aim any higher. You set the bar so low that you’re never disappointed. But what would happen if you did? What if you challenged yourself to double that number?
It’s true that you may not make $60K this year. But how will you know if you don’t try? What if you did try and made it to $45K instead? Imagine how motivated you’d feel to make $60K next year. Don’t be afraid to raise the bar and expect more from yourself.
Money blocks can be tricky to overcome by yourself. That’s why many solopreneurs reach out to a coach for guidance. A smart business coach can help you work on your mindset can open yourself up to bigger profits.
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